Bharat Sevak Samaj
Bharath Sevak Samaj is the National Development Agency sponsored by the Planning Commission, Government of India to ensure public co-operationfor implementing government plants. The main purpose behind the formulation of Bharat Sevak Samaj is to initiate a nation wide, non official and non political organization with the object of enabling individual citizens to contribute, in the form of an organized co-operative effort, to the implementation of the National Development Plan. The constitution and functioning of Bhart Sevak Samaj is approved unanimously by the Indian Parliament.
We can to some extent measure our resources or most of them. But it is very difficult to measure the biggest of these resources that we have, that is man-power, and that psychology which makes people work for greater ends. Unless we utilize this man-power and unless we can produce that temper in our people which laughs at difficulties and gets things done, sometimes inspite of facts, we cannot achieve anything really big.
The proposal to start organization to be called the Bharat Sevak Samaj, has this in view. It is an ambitions for it, not the ambition for little and personal things of life but the ambition to serve great causes, forgetting one self and achieve great ends.
This is not a political organization, even though, I, a politician, commend it. It is meant for every able bodied men and women, whatever his views might be on other topics”.
Bharat Sevak Samaj is a mission and a movement. To succeed as such, it must win the adherence and support of a large and growing number of people in the country, that can come about only on the strengof a genuine understanding of the purpose and significance of the new organisation. To furnish an answer to the question: "Why Bhart Sevak Samaj"?, it shall restate the major assumption underlying the conception of the Samaj.
First there is a great deal of necessary, good and useful work remain to be done in the aountry, for which no provision may be made, in the normal course, for many years. To accomplish this, special effort on a very large scale is needed, which is not yet in evidence. Scondly, the means for carrying out such a programme on a large scale are available in the shape of the unused time, energy and other resources, accompanied by the desire or urge on the part of may people to give for the service of the community. Thirdly, in view of the variety and magnitude of the activity, an organisation has to be built up, which has to be big and strong enough to cope with these great tasks. It should be capableof mobilizing the voluntary efforts of the people and make effective and fruitful use of it. Such organisation does not exist.
In a community which has attainned such a state These basic assumptions explain the origin of the Bhart Sevak Samaj. Theyare as true and meaningful today as some years ago, whenthe first decision to establish the organisation was taken. The meaning may perphas, with advantage, be brought out a little more fully.
In a community which has attained such a state of abundance that to everybody all the means of naterial well - being are available, voluntary service might not have a definite role. The view, however, does not take account of the vast tange of intagible service which, even in these circumstances, people can render to one another in the realm of moral and spiritual satisfaction. But that time has not yet come any where in any part of the world and is not likely to arrive in this country for many years.
In fact, India, judging by her per capita income, stands almost at the bottom among the nations of the world. On the basis of available statistics India is lagging behind. There are thus bound to be large gaps in material well-being for the bulk of our people which should be visible to anyone who is in touch with the villages or the towns of India.
Insanitary sorroundings, low standards of essential amenities, lack of facilities for community life in most places, are facts which themselves point to possibilities of constructive activity in numerous directions. Many of these things will, for the time being, not be figuting in the Governments's plants and are often beyond the reach of individual initative or resources. There are various other consequences of poverty and ignorance which must be combated by social enlightenment and action. In the field of social relations and the rebuilding of the social order, there are so many important task which are being neglected at present.
At the same time, as all of us know, there are vast numbers of person who have unused or spareenergy and time at their disposal which could easily be directed into useful channels to fill many of these gaps. Take our villages; the normalavocations of the people and the claims of helthy recreation do not absorb all the time that is available. This idle time can, with the help of some auxiliary resources, be quickly converted into roads, tanks, community centres etc.
If we assume that an hour a day on the average shoul thus be pressed into voluntary services in respect of half the population of the country, we can tap this reservior immensely for the betterment of nation.There are, besides, classes of people, who may have much more time to to give to useful volumntary activity if the idea appeals to them. There is a large class of those who have retired from service. They can bring to bear on this programme of voluntary activity a fund of experience. In this country there is also a fairly large number of those who renounce the world. As far as personal ends are concerned, but on the very account they are in a position to dedicate themselves wholly to the service of humanity. The vacation time of students could, in part, be utilized for social purposes.
These large resources can, however, be drawn up actually only to the exent that the urge to seve others exists or can be created. It is our experience that the urge exists on a considerable scale, and amounts up to high levels when occasionsarise which make a strong appeal to the mind. Volunteers are not lacking in national emergencies. This urge for unselfish service is as much an abiding element of human nature as its self-regarding aspects. It can be nourished and strengthened. In our country which has just achieved Independence, mainly by dint of the sufferings and sacrifices of the common men and women. the spring of unselfish action is evidently there in plenty. There is also a good deal of impatience with the pace of our advance in talking the serious social and economic problems of the nation. The aspiration to make India a great and strong country is shared by vast numbers. These are counditions which offer wide opportunities for moving the hearts of the people, releasing their latent powers and enlisting them for the constructive task which are waiting to be done. Once this kind of climate and utlook are created, voluntary social service will rise high in the scale of priorities which are established in people's minds for the expenditure of their time and resources. Time which was supposed to be taken up in other pursuits, will now become free for acts of service. And not only time and talents, but also the material counterpart in cash and kind will be forthecoming in large measures. The poorest in our land have something to give by way of charity.
These resources are there but no good can come out of them unless they are harnessed. Such large volumes of water flow in our mighty rivers are carried down to the sea without yielding the benefirts, which they can bring to the people. To prevent this waste, we have to make dams, reserviors and canals. The tapping of vast reserves of the nation's time and energy necessarily entails high feats of social engineering. An organisation, capable of dealing with the big tasks which arises, has to be set up. The tasks are many and varied. Programmes to meet national and local needs have to be worked our. They should be carried and explained to the people in every village and town of India. Voluntary effort has to be stimulated and mobilized on a nation-wide basis. Volunteers should be enlisted, traned and assigned suitable tasks. Leadership should be developed at various level by proper selection and courcses training. Equipment, technical guidance and various services have to be provided. Efficient and honest use has to be ensured of the resources available, whatever the source from which they are derived. There should be adequate supervision. A proper system of accounts, audit, records, Reports and returns should be brought into force. For this a network of agencies has to grow up, which should work on a decentralized basis but in a co-ordinated manner. When the number of those engaged in different activities grows and the atrea of operation extends, machinery at various levels has to be set up for taking decisions, issuing directions and securing observance of rules of discipline. In this entire set up precautions must be introduced so that standards of performance do not go down and the organisation is not undermined by tendencies to intrigues, factionalism and exploitation of any kind. When the idea of forming an organisation on these lines took shape, it was found that the functions set out here were not being discharged to any appreciable extend and no institution existed, which was designed to or capable of assuming respensibilities of this order.
Bharat Sevak Samaj was thus brought into being. But it has been from the outset stressed that the formation of the Samaj should not lead to any duplication of efforts or overlapping of activities. All agencies working in this field should collaborate and by mutual help greatly enhance the range and effectiveness of the entire programme of constructive voluntary activity in the country. Samaj can become a focal centre for such collaboration.
The objects of the Samaj are:
i. To find and develop avenues of voluntary service for the citizens of India:
a. To promote national sufficiency and to build up the economic strength of the country.
b. To promote national sufficiency and to build up the community and to mitigate the privations and hardships of less favoured sections.
ii. To draw out the available unused time, energy and other resources of the people and direct them into fields of socuial and economic activitiy.
iii. To teke all steps which are necessary for the fulfilment of the aforesaid objects.
The principles and functions of the Samaj are stated in the attached Schedules I, II and III.
Principles: The organization and the activities of the Samaj shall confirm for the following principles:
i. A common platform for the service of the nation will be provided, irrespective of caste, creed or political belief affiliation.
ii. Any use of the organization or its activities for political or communal purposes will be strictly forbidden.
iii. The principle of decentralisation will be applied to the utmost extent, the basic unit for the purpose of administration being a village or compact locality in at town. Care will be taken to secure full play for the inactive and enthusiasm of the people in each local area. Control and direction of the work of the branches will be exercised only for the purpose of co-ordination, efficiency and economy.
iv. Every endeavour will be made to secure the full co-ordination and collaboration between the Samaj and the official or non-official agencies working in the same field.
v. Funds required for the activities in any particular area will be collected in that area, as far as possible.
vi. The principlw of self-help and co-operation will be applied and developed as fully as possible in the activities organised by the Samaj. Community Centres will be established wherever possible and organizations or producers as well as consumers will be encouraged to give expression to this principle in every aspect of Group life.
1. The Samaj will render assistance:
a. In restoring and improving the social health of the community by:
i. Building up standards of honesty in public conduct, public administration and business relations.
ii. Creating a Social atmosphere conducive to the observance of such standard.
b. In creating social awareness among the people with regard to conditions and problems, and their own obligations, and the need for unity, tolerance and mutual help.
c. In conducting campaigns and in the adoption of practical measures:-
i. For the conseravation and best utilization of the public and private resorces.
ii. For promoting the practice of economiy in the various spheres of country's life.
iii. For detecting and rooting out waste and inefficiency in the nation's activities.
iv. For the general adoption of the practiece of austerity.
v. For creating maximum savings to promote productive activity.
vi. For improving the existing facilities of providing additional facilities with regard to health and fitness, education, recreation, rural development, community organisation, co-operative, production, distribution and cottage industries.
vii. For the collection of useful information regarding the economic and social life of the people through social surveys and investigations.
d. In constraction work, including irrigation projects, and housing and rehousing of slum dwellers, specially those which have a social value, such as slum improvement, development and clearance, drainage and irrigation work in rural areas and flood protection works, and in repair work.
e. In training programmes and in organising and contacting students and youth, labour and social service work camps and follow-up activities as well organizing seminars and training camps.
f. In energing in agricultural operations and generally helping in the "grow more food" activity.
g. In bringing out publications and putting forth publicity material, and the setting up of a press in connection with printing and sale of books.
h. a. The Samaj may itself undertake activities in furtherance of any of the aforesaid objects, and for carrying on its function may:
i. Purchase or take on lease, or otherwise acquire any land or building, wherever situated in india, which may be neccessary or convenient for the Samaj.
ii. Accept bequests, donations, gifts, other transfers of any property.
iii. Sell, lease, exchange or otherwise transfer all or any portion of the movable properties of the Samaj.
iv. Borrow or raise money with or without security of a mortgage or charge on all or any of the movable properties belonging to the Samaj or in any other manner whatever.
v. Draw, accept, make, endorse, discount and negotiate promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable instruments for the purpose of the Samaj.
vi. Invest the funds or money entrusted to the Samaj upon such securities or in such manner as may fron time to time be determined by the Administrative Committee and from time, sell or transpose such investment.
All these powers may be exercised by the Administrative Committee or by some persons as may be appointed in any particular case by the Administrative Committee to exercies any of these powers.
II. The Central Samaj will make arrangements to train and equip those who offer themselves to work in the organization in order to enable them to render efficient and useful service. The facilities for training may be extended to other categories of social workers.
I. The Samaj will undertake activities in the furtherance of various development programmes in the field of Self Help Group Activities, Community Banking and Micro Enterprise programmes. For accying out the various activities and functions in this area Samaj:
i. Can borrow or take loan from any funding agency, both within and outside the country, with or without security or mortgage or charge on all or any of the movable or immovable properties blonging to the Samaj or in any other manner whichever is suitable for undertaking the agreement as per the demand of the agency.
ii. Can enter into any agreement with regard to finance as well as programmes, as per the demand to occur in various periods of time.
iii. Can raise funds, collect subscription, fees, donations, hundries, admision/registration/service fees etc: from the member of functional Groups.
iv. Can provide loan to self Help Group and its members and any other association of persons formed for activities undertaken for the economic, social and educational uplifment of its members, in rural or urban areas in any state or union Territory of India.
v. All the powers can be exercised by the person or persons appointed by the administrative Committee of Bharat Sevak Samaj to exercise any of responsibilities and powers.
A. Five Principles for Part-Time Workers
Whereas Bharat Sevak Samaj in course of its existence of has followed its accepted principles of service and sacrifice in all its programmes and activities and has advanced considerably towards its objectives. It is felt that time come when Bharat Sevak Samaj should follow the following 5 principles of work:
1. Obedience to all the rules of the organization as they are in force and as they will be from time to time.
2. Obedience to all lawful instructions from the superiors in position and the management with due respect.
3. Work according to the system of work prevailing in this organization.
4. Exactitude in work and not slipshod work, causing mistakes and misunderstanding, thereby reducing the quality of work.
5. Efficiency in work, which includes speed, and not haste in work.
Bharat Sevak Samaj should aim at maintaining discipline among its workers. Its rules, its procedure of selection etc should be such as to enable it to train its workers into systematic, efficient, disciplined and devoted workers for the nation.
B. Seven Primnciples for Full-Time Workers
Whereas Bharat Sevak Samaj has made considerable progress in the course of its life of about a decade in the execution of its programmes, whith the co-operation and assistance of its workers, it is felt that time has now come when all its full-time workers should follow meticulously the following seven principles for advancing The objectives of the organisation:-
i. No link between work and wages its workers. The workers should not be allowed to sell their services for remuneration. Instead, they should be encouraged to work in the spirit of "Karma Youga" and in the interest of the national productivity and welfare of humanity in general. In keeping with these priniciples, the work done by workers of tjis organization should be completely free and no consideration should be paid for the work that they do, neither in cash nor in kind, nor in name, fame or any other kind of self-satisfation. The motto in this organisation should be "Service is Sacrifice".
ii. Remunaration should be given for the Five needs of life namely, Nutrition, Shelter, Clothing, Health and Education, and Miscellaneous Necessities only for the worker himself and a limited number of justifiable dependants - the present number being not more than three and to the extent to which it is not available from other sources. This provision should be made because it should be our article of faith that every human being has a birth-right over the "Needs of Life" by virtue of his being born in this world and not beacuse he is a worker or is able to earn in other ways. The workers should be discouraged from satisfying their desire beyond the "Needs and Necessities" upto the optimum standard as mentioned above, until such time as all the human being are able to receive the wherewithals for the "Five Needs of Life" in our country at least.
iii. Obedience to all the rules of the organisation as they are in force and as they will be from time.
iv. Obedience to all lawful instructions from the superiors in position and the management with due respect.
v. Work accourding to the systems of work prevailing in this organisation.
vi. Exactitude in work, and not slipshod work, causing mistakes and misunderstanding, therby reducing the quality of work.
vii. Efficiency in work, which includes speed, and not haste, in work.
Bhart Sevak Samaj should aim at maintaining discipline among its workers. Its rules, its procedure of selection, etc, should be such as to enable its workers into systematic, efficient, disciplines, and decoted workers for the nation.
C. Seven-Point Programme for National Defence
1. Assistance to the families of the Military Personnel
i. Collections in cash and kind for the purpose of such assistance.
ii. To arrange visits to families and extend are and help.
2. Maintenance of the morale and solidarity of the community
i. To disseminate correct information and counteract false rumours.
ii. To educate the people regarding the situation and its implications.
iii. To foster unity in the community and to prevent and remove tensions.
iv. To create a strong sentiment and consciousness of responsiblity in every citizen to do his duty to the nation transecending all other liyalties and be prepared for the necessary sacrifices.
v. Taking of pledges for self-denial in one form or the other.
3. To provide construction agency for the needs of Defence
The Bharat Sevak Samaj Construction Service will create special construction corps for taking up construction activity in difficult areas for the purpose of Defence.
4. Assistance in the Prevention of rise in prices
i. To set up consumer stores and to enlist voluntary workers and to train workers for this purpose.
ii. To organize active vigilance to prevent and combat black-marketing, hoarding, profiteering and other mal-practices.
iii. Propaganda for austerity, restraint on consumption especially in respect of imported articles and elimination of waste particularly in regard to foodgrains. People to be taught to restrict purchases to the barest minimum.
iv. Campaign to start through the Lok Karya Keshetras and other agencies of the Samaj, for stepping up agricultural production to the utmost extent.
5. Bhart Sevak Dal to render emergency service
To organize special corps of volunteer to be called the Bharat Sevak Dal for rendering service in emergencies and necessary help to the community, wherever required and arrange for the necessary training and equipment for the purpose.
1. To Mobilize the savings of the community and to induce people to invest in small savings.
2. To collaborate and assist the various committees that may be formed at the National and other levels and with other voluntary organisation in these and similar programmes.
D. Lok Karya Kshetra
The Lok Karya Programme, or the public Co-operation scheme with the following objectives in view.
i. To build up the inactive of people and the grouth of local leadership.
ii. To augment the resources of the people.
iii. To initiate projects which will increase the capacity of tyhe people (Production plants for families)
iv. To mobilize man-power and resources to increase production, especially of food and
v. To create an atmosphere and conditions in which people's institutions, particularly Co-operatives and panchayats, can function effectively.
The programme is based on the basic assumption that "development" is a matter of attitude can be built up slowly but steadly through the subtle process of community organization. This involves understanding by the people of their own problems and undertaking to solve these in their humble way with the help of trained worker who helps asa catalytic agent or energizer. It is his part of the job to initiate the process and to unrture and develop it to frution.
The ultimate aim, however, is to bring into full play the leadership of the people through their own institutions such as the Panchayat and Co-operative, so that an organisation is created at the village level which sustains the process initiated by the worker.
How a Kshetra Works
After the site for a lok Karya Kshetra has been selected, two full time are capable of and willing to render voluntary services for common village welfare, and to initiate the process of community organization. Usually a rough survey of the villages is also conducted.
When they have known the area, its people, its workers and its leaders a little better, they proceed to form the village units and the Kshetra managing committee, takes upon himself the responsibility of liiking after the day-to-day affairs of the Kshetra. The Kshetra managing committee meets once in a month to conduct business. At this time the work of the Sahyogis is reviewed, problems of the area in solving which the Kshetra has to participate are discussed and important matters which the Central and Pradesh Offices point out are considered. Under the broad policy laid down, this committee is empowered to take any decision with regard to the Kshetra. As and when the need arses the committee also constitutes some-committees for special purposes.
Till such time as a proper Kshetra managing committee is formed. An adhoc committee and a convener are appointed to perform its functions.
It is in the nature of the programme that the workers cannot initiate ambitious projects. They can undertake only small but significant projects which involve little or no expense on the part of the people but give them a chance to rub their shoulders in a common endeavour. Thus, activities undertaken in the Lok Karya Kshetras with the help of the workers can be categorized as follows:
i. Educational and promotional: This aim at making people more plan-conscious and plan-minded by holding seminars and study camps on plants, and discussions in large and small groups. If the kshetra in a C. D. Block, efforts are also made to help the Block personnel in motivating people to undertake projects according to the plan of the Block.
ii. Local project with local resources: These include project like the construction or repair of approach roads, pavament of village lanes, rapair and construction of village wells, constraction of community centres.
iii. Development of local institutions: Due importance is given to the institutions of the village like the Panchayat, the Co-operative and School and at a later stage develop organisations for women, youth and children.
iv. Emergency relief: This includes relief activities undertaken during the times of national calamities like flood, drought etc. and other accidents which need immediate relief.
E. Janjagaran
A wide-spread understanding of the plan is an essential stage in its fulfilment. It helps large number of persons to appreciate the main lines on which development is expected to proceed in the coming years. They will be able to see how progress in different directions is interrelated and effort in one field strengthen as well as demands efforts in other fields. The plan, therefore, is to be carried into every home in language and symbols of people and expressed in terms of their common needs and problems. The Government machinery alone, however high and mighty, cannot expect to do all what is desired to be done in every social activity.
The primary purpose of the Jan Jagran Group is to build up popular enthusiasm for the plan, to inclucate national discipline and to mobilize public cooperation to implement the plan. The most effective medium for this purpose is the human medium. The group, through its whole time and associate workers, has been bulding up national network whereby, thrugh personal approach, its massage can reach the masses. The group has been discharging its responsibilities through(I) District Information Organisers(ii) Plan Information Centres and (iii) Seminars. The responsibilities of District Information Organizer and activities in Plan Information Centre are listed below.
District Information Organizers
1. Formation of Plan Study Circles.
2. Group Meeting for Plan Publicity.
3. Organizing Cultural Activities for Plan publicity.
4. Promote sale of Bharat Sevak Samaj's Literature
5. Organizing Seminars at Block and District level.
6. Make plan Information Centres effective.
7. Coordination of Lok Karya Work and Urban Programme taken up by Sanaj.
8. Organizing units of Bharat Sevak Dal.
9. Visiting families of Jawans and help in solving their problems.
10. Public Relations work in respect of Bharat Sevak Samaj activities in the district.
Plan information Centres
1. Library
2. Reading Room
3. Study Circles
4. Group Discussions
5. Symposia and Seminars
6. Cultural Activities
7. Film Shows
Central Plan Information Centre
A Central Plan Information Centre has been set up in the central office to serve as a feeding agency to plan Information Centres set up in different parts of the country. The main activities of the centre are:-
1. Library
2. Reading Room
3. Symposia
4. Lecture Series
An agency has been setup in the centre to take up construction works. A central construction service has been accordingly set up with the following objectives:-
1. To mobilize and make full and efficient use of voluntary service of people in construction projects and local development works in rural and urban areas.
2. To ensure observance of satisfactory standards to work and workmanship in construction;
3. To secure and promote honest dealings in the construction industry.
4. To develop the cooperative spirit and organisation among construction workers and to improve their living and working conditions.
5. To raise the level of efficiency of construction industry;
6. To raise resources for activities designed to promote the economic and social well-being of the people in rural and urban areas; and
7. To teke all such steps which are necessary for fulfilment of the aforesaid objectives.
The construction service has been making a steady headway both in magnitude and in intricacy of design from simple earth moving works to complicated fabricated structures. It has become a formidable constructing agency competing successfully with traditional contractors with long standing.
1. To promote the welfare of women and children, especially those living in rural and slum areas and physically handicapped.
2. To develop gradually a programme for Urban Community Development with Slum Service as an integral part to promote the economic and social wefare of slum and pavement dwellers and other sections of population in the low income group.
a. To build up community cohesion;
b. To assist the slum population in discovering their problems and their proper solution.
c. To help the slum people in drawing out a co-ordinated and continuous plan for work, specifyingas clearly as possible the methods to be adopted, targets to be achieved and persons or group who will shoulder their responsibility;
d. To create anmong the slum-dwellers a proper awareness of Municipality, and strengthen the liaison and understanding between the people and Muncipality.
e. To provide a ready-made agency which will be available for the local body concetned to ensure that certain agreed tasks are performed locally with the local participation and leadership.
f. To build up among the slum dwellers a trained cadre of workers who would always be available to guide the slum population in undertaking the local programme;
g. To facilitate the growth of local institutions, such as slum service, panchayats, co operative societies and community centres.
h. To provide a fruitful avenue to slum-dwellers to build their service and assistance for slum dweller thus promoting healthy social relations and
i. To build up human personality of the slum-dwellers so that they can become active participants in a progressive self-relying community.
3. To promote the welfare of the families of the Army Personnel
4. To develop a strong consumer movment through the country and organize a Non-official Price Intelligence Service in important towns.
a. Welfare Extension Project (rural)
b. Welfare Extension Project (urban)
c. Creches and Day Care-centres;
d. Recreational and Cultural Centres
e. Holiday Home
f. Maternity Centres.
g. Crafts and Vocational Centres for women;
h. Adult and Social Education Classes
i. Ttraining-cum-production classes;
j. Mahila Mandals;
k. Occupational Therapy Institute for physically and mentally retarded children.
l. Preventoria for children of leprosy disease.
m. Home for waifs and strays
Welfare Extension Projects (Urban)
Urban Lok Karya Kshetras: Under this All India Programme, the following activities have been organized.
A. Socio Economic
a. Vocational Training Centres
b. Consumer, Labour & Industrial Co-operatives
c. Loan to small craftsmen and artisans for purchase of tools;
d. Co-operative of Taxi and Auto-rickshaw Drivers;
e. Community Workshops;
f. Production Centres
B. Welfare Activities
a. Pre-Primary and nursery schools
b. Libraries and reading rooms
c. Dispensaries
d. Adult education classes for men and women.
e. Milk distribution centres
f. Creches
g. Legal aid centres
h. Organising Mahila Mandals, Slum Panchayats. Youth Clubs etc.
C. Night Shelters
a. Organisation of Night Shelter in rented building
b. Construction of buildings for Night Shelters under Slum Clearance Programme.
D. Welfare of the families of Army Personnel
a. Collection of funds through Charity Shows and otherwise, blankets, woollen garments and other articles required for the Army Personnel and their families.
b. Organizing canteens at the Railway Stations, Recuiting Offices and other centres with a concentration of Army Personnel.
d. Assisting the families of the Army personnel regarding education of their children getting Ex-gratia payments, pensions, legal matters etc.
G. Non-Official Price Intelligence Service
a. Collection of data regarding prices actually paid by the consumer.
b. Analysis of the price situation, its trend and causes.
c. Prevention of adulteration and other malpractices like hoarding etc.
d. Organising consumer councils.
e. Organising a chain of consumer stores and fair price shops;
f. Supplement the information collected by official agencies regarding matters concerning prices.
None-official Price Intelligence Service has been set up as component of Social Welfare Section in the Central office. The objectives of the service are:-
a. Collecting prices actually paid by consumers.
b. Analyzing the price situation, its trends and causes;
c. Studying various factors which affected price;
d. Building up consumer resistance and developing consumer cooperatives.
e. Supplementing the information which was already being collected by official agencies.
f. Establishment of Consumers Co-operative Stores
g. Production of Pure Food Stuffs
h. Consumer Education
i. Price Cells for different commodities.
H. Health and Family Plannimg
1. To build up the health of Nation"a state of complete mental and social well being".
2. Speading and propagating the knowledge of health habits and nutritious food in rural areas.
3. Educating and motivating people for their personal and family hygiene.
4. Improving environmental sanitary conditions in rural areas.
a. Celebration of Spring Health Week, World Health Day, Autumn Week, National Cleanliness Day, Gandhi Jayanthi Week etc.
b. Education and propaganda in favour of personal, Family and Environmental Hygiene.
c. Health education, Helth services and allied activities.
d. Propagation of Yoga Asans and Kriyas through Yoga Health Centres.
e. Formation of Health and Sanitation Committees and working squads at various levels.
1. To help village leaders to know and endorse Family Planning and then to promote effectively in their areas.
2. To train Family Planning Camp Organizers and honorary :Parivar Kalyan" Sahayaks and Sahayikas.
3. To provide accurate information about bcontraceptive practices and technical resources available at C.D. Block.
4. To intensify and strengthen Bharat Sevak Samaj units for family planning education and propaganda work.
5. To provide family planning clinical services.
1. Lecture and Group Discussions
2. Seminars at National, Zonal, State and Regional Levels.
3. Family planning Organizers Traning Camps.
4. Family Planing Orientation Camps for village leaders and lay people.
5. Exhibitions and Film-shows.
6. Family Planning (Welfare) Clinics.
7. Formation of Regional Helth and Family Planning Committees.
National Anthem
Jana - gana - mana - adhinayaka jaya he
Bharat - Bhagya Vidhata
Punjaba - Sindhu - Gujaratha Maratha
Dravida Utkala Banga
Vindhya - Himachala Yamuna - Ganga
Uchala - Jaladhi taranga
Tava subha name jage
Tava subha ashisa mage
Gahe tava jaya - gatha
Jana - gana - mangala dayaka jaya he
Bharatha Bhagya - vidhatha
Jaya he; Jaya he; Jaya he.......
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya he.......